Support contacts

Mindgardens does not provide direct support for patients and families and we cannot assist in an emergency. We recommend the following organisations.

Mental health


If you or someone close to you is in distress or immediate danger dial 000 as soon as possible.

Lifeline Australia

24-hour support from trained counsellors

Kids Helpline

Support for children, teens and young adults


Online and phone support for 12 to 25 year olds

MensLine Australia

Counselling and support for men

Suicide Call Back Service

24/7 phone and online service for people affected by suicide

Beyond Blue

Counselling, coaching and peer support

Open Arms – Veterans & Families Counselling

Support for Navy, Army and Air Force personnel, veterans and families

Counselling for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People


24-hour service staffed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander counsellours

Brother to brother 24-hour crisis line

Support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men

The National Indigenous Postvention Service – After Suicide Support 24/7

Support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

Drug & alcohol

Drug Info & Advice Line

Non-judgemental support for alcohol and drug use. 9am to 5pm AEST

Family Drug Support

24-hour advice for families

Alcoholics Anonymous

Group support meetings and resources

Narcotics Anonymous

Group support meetings and resources

Smart Recovery Australia

Online and in-person addiction support (office hours)

Neurological disorders

Stroke Foundation Strokeline

Support and service recommendations 9am to 5pm AEST

Epilepsy Foundation

Advice and service recommendations 9am to 7pm AEST (except Sunday)

Epilepsy Action

Information and support available 9am to 5pm AEST


Information and support for multiple sclerosis patients and families

Multiple Sclerosis QLD

Information and support for patients and families

Multiple Sclerosis Society of NT and SA

Information and support for patients and families

Multiple Sclerosis WA

Information and support for patients and families

Parkinson’s Healthline

Information and support for patients and families

National Dementia Helpline

Information and support for patients and families