Complex and connected

People who experience drug and alcohol disorders often also have mental health issues and challenges with their physical health and other aspects of life. Despite this, treatment services are rarely integrated with other supports, leaving people isolated and stigmatised as they seek help. Mindgardens’ work explores people’s experience of drug and alcohol services to find solutions that address their needs more directly and get services working together within an effective system.



adults exceed official alcohol guidelines


More than half (57%) of drug-related hospital admissions are due to alcohol


Methamphetamine accounts for 8.2% of drug-related hospital admissions (2020-21)


Cannabis use has increased to 11.6% of the population (2019)

Stories of Change

Drug & Alcohol Disorders
Stories of Change
Sharing the journey of lived experience
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Lived experience shapes everything we do

Mindgardens encourages the integration of lived experience voices at the centre of drug and alcohol research, service design, implementation and policy to ensure these services are accessible and meet the needs of those who use them.

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How MindLabs contributes


Professor Nick Lintzeris

Professor Nick Lintzeris

Professor Lintzeris is a practising addiction medicine specialist, Director of Drug and Alcohol Services, South East Sydney Local Health District and Conjoint Professor in the Specialty of Addiction Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney. He is the current President of the Chapter of Addiction Medicine, Royal Australasian College of Physicians, past Chief Addiction Medicine Specialist for NSW Health, and Foundation Chair of the NSW Drug and Alcohol Clinical Research and Improvement Network (DACRIN).

Professor Lintzeris has a keen interest in clinical and translational research in the drug and alcohol field, with 200 peer reviewed journal publications. A key interest is the use of clinical information routinely collected in electronic record systems to enable research and evaluation and improve care for people with substance use disorders

Dr Hamish Fibbins

Translational Research Lead

Dr Hamish Fibbins

Translational Research Lead

Hamish is the Translational Research Lead for Mindgardens, working with research leads and clinical services to implement research into practice at the system and service levels. In addition to supporting the strategic development of the organisation, Hamish was appointed in 2022 to lead the future direction and management of the Mindgardens Psychosis Flagship and its research portfolio.

In addition to completing a PhD with the UNSW Discipline of Psychiatry and Mental Health, Hamish has worked clinically as a mental health exercise physiologist and in health services management as a quality improvement advisor. He currently holds a Conjoint Senior Lecturer position with UNSW, Sydney.

Other Research Projects

Learn more about Mindgardens drug and alcohol research


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