Shared thinking, better care

Mindgardens is the first translational research centre in Australia to focus exclusively on disorders that involve the brain, emotions, nervous system and thinking processes.

Building on the expertise of our Members and partners,  we translate new insights rapidly into everyday practice, integrating patient health care with research and education to reshape the understanding, prevention, treatment and care of mental health, drug and alcohol and neurological disorders.

In this video, Executive Director Professor Jackie Curtis outlines the Mindgardens vision.

Our focus themes

We concentrate on disorders that involve the brain, emotions, nervous system and thinking processes.

Our Flagships

The Mindgardens Flagships are highly concentrated virtual hubs of expertise where our work can have the most significant and rapid impact.

The Psychosis Flagship brings together medical care, psychosocial support and basic research into schizophrenia, bipolar disorders and other forms of psychosis within an integrated, expert centre.

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Youth navigation
Youth mental health needs are escalating rapidly. Mindgardens is collaborating with national and state partners to make mental health and drug and alcohol services for young people more responsive and accessible.
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Mindgardens wants to improve quality of life for patients and their families by speeding up dementia diagnosis and developing multidisciplinary care models across both specialist and GP settings.

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Supporting collaboration

We have created some innovative systems to help our people work together effectively.

Lived experience

Patients’ perspectives driving change

Lived experience

Learning hub for cross-disciplinary skills


A platform to share research data securely


Research projects

Explore the basic science, clinical trials and service innovations that make up the Mindgardens ecosystem.

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Mental Health
Stories of Change
Focusing on nutrition and fitness for better mental health
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