Mindgardens Functional Neurological Disorders Clinic

Dr Adith Mohan
Dr Adith Mohan

Dr Adith Mohan
Adith Mohan is a consultant neuropsychiatrist at the Neuropsychiatric Institute (NPI), Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney, Australia. He is also a Research Fellow with the Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing (CHeBA), and a Senior Lecturer with the School of Psychiatry, UNSW.
Dr Mohan’s research interests include novel pharmacological interventions in neuropsychiatry, the study of human brain transcriptome changes related to ageing, as well as therapeutic neuromodulation in neuropsychiatric disorders. He currently leads a clinical trial investigating the use of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in mild cognitive impairment and is involved in studies of deep brain stimulation (DBS) in Tourette syndrome and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
He is actively involved in the Section of Neuropsychiatry (SoN) of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, is the jurisdictional representative for the state of New South Wales on the SoN, and is involved in the development of a competency based training curriculum for Neuropsychiatry.
Functional Neurological Disorders (FND) are common neurological disorders caused by an abnormality in brain or central nervous system functioning. FND can cause seizures, weakness, tremor and other abnormal movements, or cognitive, speech, gait or vision issues. Chronic pain, fatigue, gut and respiratory symptoms can also occur, and many patients are unable to work or engage in usual activities. Clinical expertise in FND remains limited and GPs and clinicians in hospitals report feeling ill-equipped in caring for these patients.
About the project
The Mindgardens Functional Neurological Disorders Clinic provides multi-disciplinary assessment and a brief intervention program for patients aged 18 to 65 years with a confirmed FND diagnosis. The service brings together clinical experts from neuropsychiatry, neurology, rehabilitation medicine, physiotherapy and psychology for the first time in NSW. Guided by consultation with people who have a lived experience of FND, it aims to develop a new model of care, continually refined using patient assessment data. Another objective is to build GPs’ and specialists’ skills in caring for people with FND to improve responses in emergency, inpatient, and outpatient settings, including through telehealth consultation with clinicians in regional NSW.
The Mindgardens FND Clinic operates at the Neuropsychiatric Institute (NPI), a clinical academic facility of The Prince of Wales Hospital within the South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD).
Mindgardens FND Clinic Resources:
The clinic makes available a series of resources to support consumers as they navigate their FND health care, and to help clinicians from multiple disciplines extend their skills in caring for people who experience FND.
How to refer:
More information about the Mindgardens FND Clinic including referral information can be found at the Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing.
To contact the clinic directly email seslhd-powneuropsychiatricinstitute@health.nsw.gov.au or phone 02 9382 3763.
Funding Sources
- Commonwealth grant funding awarded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care
- Maridulu Budyari Gumal, the Sydney Partnership for Health, Education, Research and Enterprise (SPHERE)
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