Government action needed to improve efficacy of school-based mental health programs

March 26, 2024
Black Dog Institute

A group of 12 leading mental health organisations will convene at Parliament House on Tuesday, urging the government to establish national guidelines for implementing evidence-based mental health programs in schools.

“Mental health in schools is rapidly deteriorating. The Commonwealth Government currently spends half a billion dollars on schools-based mental health programs – we need to make sure this funding is spent on evaluated, evidence-based programs,” says Professor Jennie Hudson, Director of Research at the Black Dog Institute.

“Currently, this spending is a black box: we don’t know what it’s being spent on and to what effect. We need national guidelines and transparent reporting to ensure this much needed funding is being spent effectively and that it is making an impact on student mental health outcomes.” 

Read more: Government action needed to improve efficacy of school-based mental health programs – Black Dog Institute | Better Mental Health