Government action needed to improve efficacy of school-based mental health programs
June 3, 2024

A group of 12 leading mental health organisations will convene at Parliament House on Tuesday, urging the government to establish national guidelines for implementing evidence-based mental health programs in schools.  

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Federal Budget begins mental health reform, without providing adequate funds to complete it
June 3, 2024

The 2024-25 Federal Budget took important first steps towards long-term mental health reform, despite providing the smallest investment into mental health since 2018: only $361 million in new mental health funding, over four years.

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Joint Statement: Community Mental Health Gaps Continue to Widen in NSW, Says New Report from NSW Health
June 3, 2024

NSW Health has released a new report into gaps in the NSW community mental health system, the first of two gap analysis reports, detailing the difference between demand for mental health services in NSW and the level of service currently available.

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Urgent Mental Health Support Needed for First Nations Children in State Care
April 24, 2024

In response to the tragic death of a 10-year-old Indigenous boy by suicide while in state care last week, leading Indigenous mental health organisations are today calling on Federal and State Governments to urgently invest in social and emotional wellbeing (SEWB) and mental health supports for Indigenous children in state care.

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Government action needed to improve efficacy of school-based mental health programs
March 26, 2024

A group of 12 leading mental health organisations will convene at Parliament House on Tuesday, urging the government to establish national guidelines for implementing evidence-based mental health programs in schools.  

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Launch of world-first guidelines for the treatment of first responders with PTSD
March 22, 2024

Black Dog Institute and UNSW Sydney launched new guidelines for the management of PTSD among emergency service workers on Thursday, 21 March in NSW Parliament with Emergency Management Minister Jihad Dib and Mental Health Minister Rose Jackson.

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Mental health training for your team? It’s good for everyone
March 20, 2024

Investing in mental health training for your health professional team is good for staff and good for patients and clients — but what should health care organisations look for when choosing a training provider?

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Nurturing your mental wellbeing amid financial stress
November 23, 2023

The current economic situation in Australia is not only affecting people’s financial well-being but also taking a toll on their mental health. Factors like housing affordability, rising living costs, and limited job opportunities are causing financial stress, leading to various negative consequences for individuals and their families.

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Making the right call on mental health at work
November 22, 2023

With high job demand and poor support being a common psychosocial hazard in the telecommunications industry, small and dynamic company, Waveconn, have put measures in place to minimise risks to mental health and create a supportive work environment.

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Tips to tackle common holiday worries
November 20, 2023

The holiday season is upon us and although popular culture leads us to believe the holidays are the happiest time of year, for many people it is the hardest. The holidays can be hard for many reasons and it's different for everyone.

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Understanding anxiety in children
October 30, 2023

Anxiety is a common mental health concern in children (aged between 8-12 years old), with 7% of Australian children receiving a diagnosis of an anxiety disorder each year.

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Managing Psychosocial Risk Factors at Work
October 25, 2023

Ensuring health and safety at work, including addressing risk factors to mental health, is not only a legal obligation for employers but makes good business sense, helping to reduce costs, boost productivity and increase staff engagement and retention.

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Working together for better outcomes in suicide prevention
September 7, 2023

In recognition of World Suicide Prevention Day 2023, we reflect on some of the groundbreaking research we have been working on and implementing over the past year.

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Black Dog Institute celebrates 20 years
April 25, 2023

“From humble beginnings, the Black Dog Institute has been on quite an extraordinary journey of learning, discovery, and growth over the last 20 years,”

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Positive psychology resources to support your teen’s mental health
April 25, 2023

Setting teenagers up with the right skills and resources early in life can help to support their well- being and resilience.

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Links between screen time and depression in adolescents more complex than first thought
April 25, 2023

With adolescents interacting online more than ever, new data from the Black Dog Institute shows screen time and depression in adolescents may be linked – but not for the reasons we assume.

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Self-harm intervention for children is needed, a new study finds
April 25, 2023

Research has found 6055 adolescents aged 10–14 attended an emergency department in New South Wales for self-harm over a five-year period – 2276 of them for a repeat incidence.

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Decolonising mental health systems: Global experiences of wellbeing
April 25, 2023

As part of the webinar, each shared their experiences of walking in two worlds and of navigating mental health systems to ensure the wellbeing, healing, and self-determination of Indigenous peoples.

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Psychedelics for mental health show a lot of promise, but there are gaps in knowledge that are important to address
April 24, 2023

Treatment may be offered to patients experiencing depression who have not responded to medications or other modes of treatment.

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Black Dog Institute Launches Nation-Wide Support Service For Emergency Service Workers
April 24, 2023

Emergency workers respond to stress and trauma in different ways and the new national service offers multiple ways to seek support.

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