Working together for better outcomes in suicide prevention

September 7, 2023
Black Dog Institute

In recognition of World Suicide Prevention Day 2023, we reflect on some of the groundbreaking research we have been working on and implementing over the past year.

By translating our suicide prevention research into fit-for-purpose programs, services, resources, and products, we can provide useful and practical tools that can be used by workplaces, communities, families, and friends to provide support when and where it’s needed.  

As the only medical research institute in Australia to investigate mental health across the lifespan, Black Dog Institute is working towards a future where everyone has access to more effective and affordable mental health support and better outcomes for suicide prevention.  

We are grateful for our team of passionate researchers and staff, and our dedicated network of advisors who ensure our work is informed by the specialised and experience-based knowledge of people who have lived experience of mental health difficulties or suicide.  

Read more: Working together for better outcomes in suicide prevention