MindLabs Introduction to Implementation Science Workshop Spearheads Collaboration

June 3, 2024
Announcements MindLabs events

The Introduction to Implementation Science (IS) workshop, hosted in April 2024 by Dr. Carmen Crespo, Research Associate at the School of Clinical Medicine at UNSW, was a resounding success. The workshop, held as part of Mindgardens’ MindLabs initiative, aimed to accelerate the transformation of ideas into innovative new treatments and supports for mental wellbeing.

Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice

Implementation science is a relatively new but rapidly growing field that bridges the gap between research findings and practical application. Dr. Crespo emphasised the importance of workshops like this one in disseminating knowledge about IS. Participants gained insights into the principles, methodologies, and applications of evidence-based practices in real-world settings.

Empowering Participants with Knowledge

The online workshop provided participants with an overview of IS, equipping them not only with theoretical knowledge but also with practical steps for designing, implementing, and evaluating interventions. Various frameworks, theories, and methodologies were explored, allowing attendees to critically assess their own projects through the lens of IS.

Networking and Collaboration

Dr. Crespo highlighted the workshop’s role as a networking platform. Participants from diverse fields and disciplines connected, exchanging knowledge and experiences. This collaborative environment fostered meaningful discussions and facilitated cross-disciplinary learning.

Participant Perspectives

  • Alenda Dwiadila Matra Putra, who attended the workshop after completing a UNSW School of Population Health course in 2023, expressed enthusiasm for gaining different perspectives on IS. He appreciated learning from experts and deepening his understanding of this science.
  • Mr. Matra Putra found value in understanding how different frameworks overlap and how implementation logic models can guide project design. His internship project, focused on program evaluation, directly benefited from the workshop’s insights.
  • Dr. Marina van Leeuwen, Lecturer at the School of Clinical Medicine (SoCM) at UNSW, also attended the workshop. As a research support provider, she recognised the potential for IS to drive local clinical practice changes. Dr. van Leeuwen emphasised the need for researchers’ active involvement in implementation efforts.

Future Workshops

The collaborative format of the workshop received praise from participants. Dr. Crespo encouraged attendees to stay engaged and attend future IS workshops. As IS continues to gain prominence, these platforms play a crucial role in advancing evidence-based practices and improving mental health outcomes.


MindLabs workshops

MindLabs is where we develop the skills and capacities to translate the original findings of our research into actions that make a real difference in people’s lives: new models of care, redeveloped support practices, multidisciplinary collaborations and investment that responds directly to the needs and priorities of consumers.

The workshops offered by MindLabs brings together skills, knowledge and expertise from across our Member organisations as well as other health professionals to enable collaboration and accelerate the transformation of ideas into innovative new treatments and supports.