New Acute Services Building opens at Randwick Health & Innovation Precinct

April 27, 2023
UNSW Sydney

The state-of-the-art building supports new and innovative approaches to acute healthcare.

Published on the 29 March 2023 by Christina Kingen

The much-anticipated Prince of Wales Hospital Acute Services Building (ASB) is the first major upgrade to the Prince of Wales Hospital in 25 years. It will provide health workers with purpose – built facilities that support contemporary clinical practice.

Health-related educational and translational research spaces will be co-located with clinical services. These include laboratories and spaces to support collaboration and the testing and trialling of new models of care and innovative treatments.

UNSW has a 5,000 square metre extension off the eastern side of the new building, called the Integrated Acute Services Building (IASB). It will embed research, education and training initiatives with clinical activities and will strengthen links between clinicians and researchers. Providing important insights into current healthcare practice, the connection between the IASB and the hospital will lead to learning and advancement in healthcare. UNSW’s space is due to open in 2024.

Professor Vlado Perkovic, Acting Provost (Faculties) and Dean of UNSW Medicine & Health reiterated the value of an integrated, co-located space with research, education, clinical and training facilities that strengthens links between clinicians and researchers in real-time.

‘We have had an affiliation with the Randwick Hospitals Campus for more than 60 years. When the IASB opens next year, we’ll finally have a seamless physical connection between the university and the hospital,’ Prof. Perkovic said.

‘Our students, educators and researchers will learn more directly about the health challenges in our community. They’ll discover unmet needs, work together to find solutions and incorporate those solutions into clinical care. Not only does this directly benefit the health of our community, it puts us at the forefront of health research and education.’

Prince of Wales Hospital services started moving to the new Acute Services Building in March 2023. The new building will open in stages, with the Respiratory & Infectious Diseases and Haematology & Oncology wards the first to move. Learn more about the changes to services.

Learn more about the Randwick Campus Redevelopment