Keeping the Body in Mind(gardens): Resources

Patrick Gould
Patrick Gould
Registered Nurse, Mindgardens Neuroscience Network

Patrick Gould
Registered Nurse, Mindgardens Neuroscience Network
Patrick Gould is a Clinical Nurse Consultant with the Mindgardens Neuroscience Network, working in the South Eastern Sydney Local Health District to support consumers who have a serious mental illness, helping them achieve work, education and personal goals Patrick is also a Masters higher degree research student at the UNSW Discipline of Psychiatry and Mental Health working on vaccine equity for people with severe mental illness.
The KBIM(Gardens) suite of physical health resources has been created to assist clinicians and consumers to address physical health conditions associated with severe mental ill health and its treatment.
They include:
- Updated decision guides to help mental health clinicians determine when and how to intervene to support patients’ physical health
- Training videos for mental health clinicians about nutrition, physical activity and tobacco treatment
- Resources for consumers to set goals and monitor their progress in multiple physical health domains
Funding Sources
- NSW Mental Health Commission
- Mindgardens Neuroscience Network
Keeping the Body in Mind: Vaccines
Keeping the Body in Mind: Primary Care
Addi Moves: Exercise for People from Refugee and Asylum Seeking Backgrounds
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Keeping the Body in Mind(gardens): Resources
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