Keeping the Body in Mind | Mental Health | Psychosis
no Body left behind
A multidisciplinary team of investigators, including researchers, clinicians and people with lived experience, are collaborating on a world-first research project to improve physical health care for people living with severe mental illness.
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Keeping the Body in Mind(gardens): Resources
A suite of resources to assist clinicians and consumers manage physical health conditions associated with severe mental ill health and its treatment.
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Mindgardens Clinic for Depression
Every year, more than a million adults receive treatment from a GP for depression. It is becoming increasingly clear that some depression is too complicated for a GP to manage alone, but not so complex that the person needs in-patient care or support from a community mental health team. The Depression Clinic is for this “missing middle”.
Learn moreDrug & Alcohol Disorders | Mental Health
Integrated Care Pathways for People with Co-occuring Mental Health and Substance Use Problems
People living with mental health challenges and co-occurring substance use issues often cannot find streamlined, integrated and patient-centred care that addresses both needs.
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SHAPE: Support for Health Anxiety at the Prince of Wales Hospital – An Exploratory Study
About one-third of people with a chronic physical health condition, such as diabetes, heart disease or cancer, also experience depression or anxiety at some point during their illness or treatment.
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Measuring and Improving Wellbeing
Mental health is more than the absence of mental illness; it is also about positive wellbeing. Across the whole community, fewer than a quarter of people report “flourishing”, or optimal wellbeing, while up to 20 per cent have a diagnosable mental illness.
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Semaglutide to reduce metabolic risk in people with psychosis
People living with psychotic illness experience high rates of physical ill-health and their life expectancy is reduced by up to 20 years. People living with psychosis need effective treatments to improve their physical health.
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The Clinical Course of Bipolar Disorder
Up to 3 per cent of people experience bipolar disorder, with recurring periods of high and low mood that affect wellbeing, relationships and ability to function effectively in work or study.
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Depression & Pain Treatment
People with health conditions including low back pain are more likely also to have a diagnosis of depression. Evidence suggests that if pain is treated effectively, depressive symptoms may also improve.
Learn moreMental Health | Youth Navigation
OCD BOUNCE – Building community-based treatment capacity for children and young people across NSW
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) develops during childhood or adolescence for more than 80% of the 1 in 50 people living with the condition.
Learn moreMental Health | Neurological Disorders
Mindgardens Functional Neurological Disorders Clinic
Functional Neurological Disorders (FND) are common neurological disorders caused by an abnormality in brain or central nervous system functioning. FND can cause seizures, weakness, tremor and other abnormal movements, or cognitive, speech, gait or vision issues.
Learn moreDementia | Mental Health | Neurological Disorders
INTERACTION: Intergenerational clinical trial in at risk older adults and pre-school children
Intergenerational contact is the purposeful bringing together of two generations for the benefit of both - in this case older adults and preschool children.
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Addi Moves: Exercise for People from Refugee and Asylum Seeking Backgrounds
People who are most likely to benefit from small increases in physical activity are often the least likely to have access to health promotion programs.
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Keeping the Body in Mind: Primary Care
Building upon the South Eastern Sydney Local Health District's Keeping the Body in Mind program, this primary care service provides exercise and diet support
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Keeping the Body in Mind: Vaccines
People living with a mental illness have almost five times the rate of being hospitalised and four times the rate of premature death from vaccine-preventable conditions.
Learn moreBrings together the strengths of four founding organisations